Sunday, 22 January 2017

Man Survives Arrows to the Chest after Being Shot by Family Member (Graphic Photos)

A man who was shot in the chest with an arrow was forced to travel 155 miles to hospital – and miraculously survived because the missile missed his heart by a whisker.
Doctors in India saved 24-year-old Mansiya, who travelled the long distance from his village Alirajpur with savage-looking arrows lodged in his chest, abdomen and hands after being rushed to a medical facility in Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. 

It is claimed that Mansiya, who belongs to a tribal community, had an argument with a family member leading to the attack.

Doctors at the Maharaja Yashwantrao Hospital were shocked when they saw the patient.

The first arrow lodged in his chest and missed his heart by inches. The second one pierced his abdomen and badly wounded his intestines.

A team of doctors, under the leadership of Dr Manish Kaushal, operated on the patient for around four and a half hours to pluck the arrows from his body.

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